
Welcome to the blog of Berlin Mennonite Church. This is the place where you will find articles about a variety of things about the church and its mission. These are things written by members of the church, mission updates, articles from service trips, youth convention reflections.

Posted December 13, 2024

Beauty in Bittersweet

For many, Christmastime is a season of joy, laughter, and celebration. Yet for others, it becomes a poignant reminder of loss and longing. The holidays, with their emphasis on togetherness, often highlight the absence of loved ones. I’ve personally lived in this...

Posted October 30, 2024

Thanksgiving is almost here, which means our homes will soon be filled with the scents of favorite holiday recipes, wafting from the stovetop or oven. For many of us, hosting a holiday meal marks a milestone in "adulting." I remember when Kelsey and I hosted my family for Easter in our cozy 800-...

Posted September 08, 2023

It has been a wonderful week back at BMC. My family and I had a wonderful sabbatical, part of which included serving with Mennonite Mission Network in their SOOP program in La Mesa, Colombia.

Posted June 21, 2018

Lexi Yoder - We started off the day a little bit earlier than normal, so we could head up to the Irazu volcano and possibly miss the clouds or rain, which we did. It took us about an hour or a little more to get up to the top of the volcano. The way up we played a lot of games, many of which...

Posted June 20, 2018

Today is Tom and Angie Yoder's 25-year anniversary! Miguel and Karina made sure that we celebrated right, with a special cake they ordered to celebrate. Emily Troyer and Christopher Schlabach write tonight's blog.


Emily - We started off the day by venturing off to one of the...

beautiful sunset from the church's property
Posted June 19, 2018

Michaela- After an amazing breakfast cooked by the Hotel we climbed into our tiny bus and drove to church with work on our minds. When we arrived at the church we all split up into different groups to clean and fix up things around the church and the local streets. I was a part of the group who...

Posted June 18, 2018

Brady - Today I went to a church in a different country. Having never even left the United States before this trip, it was very interesting to see. La Iglesia de la ciudad started at ten. When we arrived we all shuffled along in a group, as few of us can really speak Spanish fluently. Our group...

departing early from the church
Posted June 16, 2018

After a long day of travel, our group is settling into our hotel outside of San Jose, Palma Real. Isaac Troyer writes, "We started the morning off bright and early. We arrived at the church at 3:15 am and left for Cleveland at 3:30 for our first flight. We got a connection flight from Cleveland...

Posted June 07, 2018

Hi everyone,

Our youth group is about to embark on a weeklong experience to Costa Rica. We will be staying just outside San Jose, the captial city in a suburb called Alajuelita. We are working with a church there called Iglesia de la Ciudad. Admitedly, this is our Plan B. Our original...

Posted May 25, 2017

Our pastor, Myron Weaver, is on sabbatical from May 26 through August 26. Come see some of the amazing things he is doing! One of the first things Myron will be doing will be to bicycle 3,500 miles across the United States. https://pedalingparson....

Posted May 25, 2017

Love One Another – Summer 2017

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,

if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35


It's something that Jesus commanded his...

Posted January 03, 2017

How do you take a step toward improving the education level in a society, where one third of children never complete elementary school?* By focusing on feet!

As 2016 drew to a close,...

Posted December 23, 2016

Embracing our mission

What is the church supposed to do? What is it supposed to look like? Since September, our church has been studying the Begin Anew discipleship series. The most recent segment of study, belonging to community have led to several discussions of what the church should...

Posted December 16, 2016

Chicago DOOR reflections by MYF

July 4, 2016

For our first day, two groups went to The Boulevard, a place where people discharged from hospitals who have no place to live can find temporary shelter, recovery, and a place to plan their future. We helped in the kitchen, making...

Posted December 12, 2016

I recently had a conversation with a younger pastor of a church. Their church was small when he got there – no more than 20 people attending each week. They said that they wanted to grow. So the pastor did as the church asked. He invited the neighbors nearby. And many new people started coming!...