Lead Pastor since September 2020, Jeff began pastoring at Berlin Mennonite in 2014. Jeff is passionate about affirming gifts in others and finding joy in following Jesus together. When he is not working, I enjoys spending time with his wife, Kelsey, and their three daughters. If you have questions or want to grab a cup of coffee, you can contact him at: jeff@berlinmennonite.org.
Ernie began serving as pastor of visitation in January 2020. Ernie is gifted in preaching, teaching, and listening to others. He began his ministry at Berlin Mennonite Church as lead pastor in 1995 and served through 2011. After brief stints providing interim leadership to several congregations, Ernie returned to BMC in his current part time role. We are grateful for the many gifts he brings here.
Betty Troyer began as administrative assistant in October 2018. Betty is a doer. She loves to be the front face of the church as much as she loves to help make meals for others. She has three adult children.
Jill is a dilgient and insightful treasurer who blends her financial acumen with a love for ministry. In addition to being our treasurer, Jill is a staff accountant at Rea and Associates CPA Firm.