What to Expect When Visiting

What to Expect when you Visit


What should I expect when I get there?

If you find an open door, come on in! But the main entrance is on the south side of the church. (The side with the most parking space.) That entrance is handicapped accessible. Once you’re in the door, our greeters can answer any questions you may have and can give you a bulletin with information about our worship service, prayer concerns, and church events throughout the week.  


What should I wear?

People in our church family wear anything from shorts to suits. Just come as you are. We really mean that. 


Do you have Sunday school?

No matter your age, we’ve got a Sunday School class for you. Sunday school at BMC runs from 9:00-9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings. And if you need a shot of caffeine before, stop by the fellowship hall, and help yourself to coffee. 


What happens between Sunday school and the worship service?

Most people use this time to talk with each other or get coffee in the fellowship hall. Don’t be afraid to help yourself! (Go through the double doors near the mailboxes.)       


What is the worship service like?

We like to start the Worship Service right at 10:00 a.m. It lasts about 1 hour and includes prayer, singing, scripture reading, the sermon (approximately 15-20 minutes), and an offering. There is a variety of music, including both hymns and contemporary songs. We use Hymnal: A Worship Book, Sing the Journey, and Sing the Story. People of all ages are often involved in the service—from worship and song leaders to scripture readers and children's stories.


Do you have child care?

We love having children in our worship service! But if you need a break or would like to be able to focus, child care for newborns to age 3 is available in our nursery, which is located on the north side of the building. (Turn left after leaving the sanctuary, and look for signs.) Child care is offered during both the Worship Service and Sunday School. If you’re a nursing mom who feels more comfortable feeding in private, we’ve got a space for you, too! Just outside the sanctuary to the left is a room for nursing mothers, complete with rockers, changing tables, and cribs.  


Do you have a safe child policy?

Yes. You can read it here.   


Do you have children's church?

Yes, we do. Children's Church is the 2nd Sunday of the month. Kids age 4 through grade 4 are welcome to join. During the Worship Service, after singing together, we’ll make a special announcement for children who wish to attend. They meet in the Fellowship Hall, so you can find them there after the service, with the children’s church leader.