Making the path to a good education just a little easier… One step at a time.

How do you take a step toward improving the education level in a society, where one third of children never complete elementary school?* By focusing on feet!

As 2016 drew to a close, Berlin Mennonite Church participated in the Shoe Project of the Hope School Program (a ministry of Christ For the City Nicaragua focused on sharing Christ’s love through bettering education). 70 pairs of shoes were donated and funding collected to purchase an additional 20 pairs of shoes. These shoes will help 90 Nicaraguan students from economically disadvantaged families get ready for the new 2017 school year, which begins in February.

The destination of these shoes is Carolina de Sirker Christian School. As in all Nicaraguan schools, public and private, students are required to wear a uniform and black dress shoes. Students’ shoes and backpacks are put to the test as most students walk dusty roads in 80 to 95 degree heat daily to attend morning elementary class or afternoon high school classes.

The Hope School Program partners with teachers and staff of the school as they provide a quality education, however it is resources like shoes that provide students the means to come and receive that education.

A big thank you to each person who provided shoes or a financial donation for the project this year! Christ’s love is manifested in many ways, including as a pair of shoes.
*In 2015 the Central Bank of Nicaragua reported that over one third of the population never has the opportunity to complete elementary school. Only one out of 5 children in the country complete high school or technical career training. 7% of the population enrolls in higher education (university study).

See publication Nicaragua en cifras,